The Inner Image Healing Process

First by choosing a dream, issue or symptom we access, explore and transform by using a pattern of questions. It is designed to get to the root of the dream, issue or symptom often releasing persistent physical symptoms. The process assists in releasing and reprogramming deep unconscious  underlying patterns in the mind and body. Gently revisits, completes and releases the source of embedded traumas with block our path forward in life.

The process facilitates the release and reprogramming of repressed memories and autonomous blocks at a cellular level, often releasing persistent physical symptoms. It awakens buried hopes and dreams, empowering their expression in life. Many experience an immediate release of underlying symptoms and shifts in belief and emotional patterns. The immediate release is in contrast to what many experience in years of talk therapy.

The following are just a few of the issues or symptoms that can be relieved by the Inner Image Healing Process.

Emotional or creative blocks

Sabotaging your intentions

Chronic symptoms

Unfinished grief work

Hold embedded trauma

Experience nightmares or puzzling dreams

Feel disconnected from your hopes and dreams

Anxiety and panic disorder

Chronic depression

Chronic Pain 

Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD)

Childhood and sexual trauma

Relationship and organizational conflicts

Mental Healing

Conflict resolution