Showing category "Inner Image Healing Report" (Show all posts)

Face Book Group - Inner Image Healing

Posted by Fred Olsen on Sunday, August 30, 2015, In : Inner Image Healing Report 
I have been well received lately on the C.G.Jung Work Discussion Group on Facebook.  After some encouragement I opened a new group called   "Inner Image Healing," where I will share about the IIH process and demonstrate how to work with dreams, issues and symptoms using the method.

I will be available to schedule sessions with individuals privately on Messenger or SKYPE for more in depth work.

PayPal is set up to receive payments
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Writing Memoir

Posted by Fred Olsen on Friday, April 24, 2015, In : Inner Image Healing Report 
I'm making some slow progress on my memoir.  Hand written draft from Spring of 1965 college graduation through 1972 when I left RCA/NASA is with the typist.. I'm in the midst of sorting out a labyrinth of post NASA experiences which lead to the establishment of the Seagull House on Park Road in D.C. and to my departure from D.C. in 1975 to a new chapter in rural New Hampshire.
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Robert's pain

Posted by Fred Olsen on Friday, April 24, 2015, In : Inner Image Healing Report 
The following testimonial was handed to me recently.

"A while back, I had a chance encounter with Fred at the book exchange in Pete's Camp.  We exchanged greetings.  He asked me how I was doing.  This simple exchange started a journey for me. I told Fred I was doing well except for a constant pain in my heel that had bothered me for about two years. At times it hurt so much I could hardly walk.

"Fred asked if I would like to try an experiment with the pain. I agreed. He asked me to go to the pa...
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Current Status

Posted by Fred Olsen on Monday, April 20, 2015, In : Inner Image Healing Report 
It is now just over a year since my first exploration of San Felipe.  I completed my move to San Felipe in June, 2014 and rented a house at Campo Bugambilias until November, 2014 when I purchased my present house (casa) at Campo Paraiso, known as Pete's Camp.

After a new roof, a remodeled office / bedroom, new water hookups, water heater, painting the exterior, installing minisplit ac units, I am ready to focus more energy on sharing what I consider to be my life work -- Inner Image Healing, f...
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About Me

I relocated to San Felipe in June, 2014. I purchased a lovely house in Paraiso, Pete's Camp north of San Felipe in November 2014. I continue to travel in the United States for lectures, workshops, and training programs as requested